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Get to know ArcGIS for iPhone at the Developer Summit

更多 发布于:2010-02-24 11:51
<br>The iPhone has shaken up the smartphone industry. It’s a powerful,
flexible and connected platform, and we’re really excited to be bringing
 you tools at ArcGIS 10 to help you make the most of it.<a href="" target="_blank" ><img src="" align="right" border="0" width="212" height="385"></a><br><br>There
will be three sessions at the 2010 DevSummit aimed specifically at
getting you up-to-speed on our iPhone work, so if you want to find out
what you’ll be able to do with the API and with our iPhone application,
try to fit these into your schedule.</p><p><b>Day 1</b></p><p>At 4:30pm
(the last timeslot) on Day 1, <b><a href=";SessionId=35;ScheduleId=119" target="_blank" >A
 Developer’s Guide to Mobile GIS</a></b> will introduce you to
developing with ESRI’s mobile products, covering ways to build your own
mobile apps as well as how to configure the out-of-the-box apps. It’ll
provide your first insight into our iPhone offerings and will encompass
both iPhone and Windows Mobile development.<br><br><b>Day 2</b></p>At
 2:45pm, Using and Configuring ESRI’s Mobile Technology will discuss
authoring and publishing mobile web maps (which applies to both Windows
Mobile and iPhone) before talking more specifically about the
out-of-the-box applications we provide.<br><br>You’ll be able to stay in
 your seat after that for <b><a href=";SessionId=18;ScheduleId=147" target="_blank" >Developing
 Applications with the ArcGIS for iPhone API</a></b> which will show you
 how to use our new API to build custom iPhone (and iPod Touch) apps
making use of ArcGIS Online or your own ArcGIS Servers.<br><br>If you
have to skip Developing Applications with the ArcGIS for iPhone API, you
 can catch it again on <b><a href=";SessionId=18;ScheduleId=197" target="_blank" >Day
 3</a></b> at 1:30pm (and remember that we’re recording all our sessions
 putting them online after the DevSummit).<br>How is your iPhone
programming?<br><br>We hope you’ll find these sessions useful and we’re
looking forward to showing you what we’ve been up to with iPhone and
ArcGIS Mobile. If you’re planning on making use of our new iPhone
products, please spare a minute to take the poll and let us know about
your experience in iPhone development.<br><br>Mobile Team
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