  • 注册日期2006-08-26
  • 发帖数44
  • QQ
  • 铜币225枚
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更多 发布于:2008-11-09 12:57
<P>开发环境:jdk1.5.06;eclipse 3.3;tomcat 1.6;geoserver 1.6.5</P>
<P>Go to menu Run > Run...</P>
<P>A Wizard will open up. Here you will see on left a "Configurations" panel and on right hand side some tabs.<BR>In "Configuration" panel, right click on "Java Applications" and select "New" in menu.</P>
<P>A new entry called "New_configuration" will be created. Rename it as you wish.</P>
<P>Now in the right hand side tabs, in "Main" tab, enter your "Project".</P>
<P>Enter "Main class" entry as "org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap".</P>
<P>Also check on "Include external jarswhen searching for a main class" check box.</P>
<P>Now move on to "Arguments" tab.<BR>Here for "Program Arguments", enter the value as "start".</P>
<P>For "VM Arguments", enter the following:<BR>-Dcatalina.base="<path to Tomcat dir>" <BR>-Dcatalina.home="<path to Tomcat dir>" <BR>-Djava.io.tmpdir="<path to Tomcat dir>/temp" <BR>-Xmx500m</P>
<P>Enter "Working Directory" as your project name.</P>
<P>Move on to "JRE" tab. Keep the default JRE setting here.</P>
<P>Move on to "Classpath" tab, remove everything and click on "Restore Default Entries".</P>
<P>Now leave the "Bootstrap Entries" as it is.</P>
<P>In "User Entries", add the following jars from CATALINA_HOME/bin directory. <BR>bootstrap.jar, commons-daemon.jar, commons-logging-api.jar, and your project</P>
<P>Click on Apply Button. and Run.</P>
<P>但是有两个问题:(1)tomcat 6.0下找不到bootstrap.jar, commons-daemon.jar, commons-logging-api.jar三个包,如是我从其他地方下了这三个包放lib文件夹下。</P>
<P>Exception during startup processing<BR>java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina<BR> at org.apache.catalina.loader.StandardClassLoader.loadClass(StandardClassLoader.java:992)<BR> at org.apache.catalina.loader.StandardClassLoader.loadClass(StandardClassLoader.java:857)<BR> at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:176)</P>
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MSN: at9933@163.com e-mail: at9933@163.com QQ: 279644822 笑笑,于事有点补。
