  • 注册日期2008-01-14
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[求助]Arcgis Desktop 9.1破解 版 装完启动出错,怎么办?

更多 发布于:2008-02-22 17:21

<P><U><FONT color=#800080>Arcgis Desktop 9.1完整中文安装破解说明</FONT></U></P>
<P><a href="" target="_blank" ></A></P>
<P>Provide your license server administrator with the following informatior<BR>The desired vendor daemon is down<BR>1] Check the Imgrd log file, or 2] Try Imreread<BR>Vendor:Host:  ARCGIS : localhost<BR>License path: @localhost<BR>FLEHIm error: -97,380. System Error: 10061 ""</P>

<P>?</P><img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em15.gif" />
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  • 注册日期2008-01-14
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发布于:2008-02-22 17:24
<STRONG>Arcgis 9.1安装及完美破解</STRONG>
<P>Step 1: Mount the ESRI ArcGIS Desktop v9.1 image or run the setup from your burned copy now, and install as normal.</P>
<P align=left>第一步:*.BIN *.CUE为虚拟镜像文件,请安装Alcohol 120%等虚拟光驱工具载入它们,打开,安装软件! </P>
<P align=left></P>
<P align=left>Step 2: Run the supplied LMSetup.exe from the CRACK dir on the CD, which installs the ESRI license server in ...\Program Files...\ESRI\License\arcgis9x </P>
<P align=left>Choose our supplied license.lic when the setup prompts for it, and DO NOT REBOOT when asked. </P>
<P align=left>第二步:安装/Crack中的LMSetup.exe,在安装过程提示需要license.lic,指向Crack中的icense.lic.安装完先不要重启。 </P>
<P align=left></P>
<P align=left>Step 3: Copy the supplied license.lic, and ARCGIS.EXE file from the CRACK dir to the path where the License manager was </P>
<P align=left>installed (mentioned in Step 1), and choose YES when prompted to overwrite any files (and ignore all the .lic files that reside in the dir!) </P>
<P align=left>NOW REBOOT! </P>
<P align=left></P>
<P align=left>第三步:将/Crack目录中的license.lic, 和ARCGIS.EXE文件复制到你安装License manager的那个目录(你第二步安装的目录)覆盖,默认路径:C:\Program Files\ESRI\License\arcgis9x </P>
<P align=left>然后重启系统。 </P>
<P align=left></P>
<P align=left>Step 4: Install the supplied registry file ESRIFloat.reg, by doubleclicking it, and choosing YES when prompted if it should be installed in registry. </P>
<P align=left>第四步:双击ESRIFloat.reg将注册加入注册表 </P>
<P align=left></P>
<P align=left>Step 5: Launch StartMenu -> ArcGIS -> License Manager 9x -> Run License Manager Tools </P>
<P align=left>第五步:打开 开始-> ArcGIS -> License Manager 9x ->运行License Manager Tools </P>
<P align=left></P>
<P align=left>Step 6: Choose tab Service/License File, and check "Configuration using Services", and choose the ArcGIS License Manager. </P>
<P align=left>第六步:打开后,点到Service/License File项,选 "Configuration using Services"这个类型,并选择ArcGIS License Manager. </P>
<P align=left></P>
<P align=left>Step 7: Switch to tab Configure Services, make sure ArcGIS License Manager is in the Service Name listbox. </P>
<P align=left>第七步:然后再点到:Configure Services项,确保Service name处为ArcGIS License Manager </P>
<P align=left></P>
<P align=left>Step 8: Browse to the correct License file path where you copied the license.lic file (propably the dir mention in step 1), and choose it as license. </P>
<P align=left>第八步:将<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>Path to the license File<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>这个路径指向第三步你覆盖后的license.lic路径(默认路径:C:\Program Files\ESRI\License\arcgis9x\license.lic)。 </P>
<P align=left></P>
<P align=left>Step 9: Check Start Server at Power up. </P>
<P align=left>第九步:还是在第八步的那个界面上,选中<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>Check Start Server at Power up<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>。 </P>
<P align=left></P>
<P align=left>Step 10: Click Save Service to save the settings. </P>
<P align=left>第十步:还是在第八步的那个界面上,完成后点<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>Save Service<FONT face="Times New Roman">”
<P align=left></P>
<P align=left>Step 11: Test the server by choosing the Start/Stop/ReRead tab, Click Stop server, then ReRead license file, then Start Server. </P>
<P align=left>After that move to the tab Server Diagnostics and press the Perform Diagnostics button. If everything is done right, it should list all ok features. </P>
<P align=left></P>
<P align=left>第十一步:现在选到<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>Start/Stop/ReRead tab<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>标签,先Stop server, 然后 ReRead license file,最后Start Server,如果提示:server start successful.则说明加载成功!! </P>
<P align=left></P>
<P align=left>Step 12: Have a cup of coffee and enjoy ESRI ArcGIS Desktop v9.1... =) </P>
<P align=left>第十二步:搞定。</P>
<P align=left>好东西,一般人我不告诉他</P></DIV>
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  • 注册日期2007-12-10
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发布于:2008-03-03 17:01
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