  • 注册日期2003-07-16
  • 发帖数15947
  • QQ554730525
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从选择的对象建立HTML Report[代码下载]

更多 发布于:2003-09-30 10:34
This code sample creates an HTML report based on the selected features for the selected layer
in ArcMap. The report is displayed using Internet Explorer.

Installation Instructions:
1.Register the dll.
2.Open ArcMap.
3.Select the Add from file button on the Customize dialog and browse to MyReport.dll.
4.Click the Commands tab and find the Developer Samples category.
5. Drag the Create HTML Report onto a toolbar

To use the tool
1. Add a feature layer to ArcMap.
2. Select the layer in the Table of Contents.
3.If there are selected features in the layer the report will contain
only the selected features. If no features are selected the report will
contain information for all the features.
4. Click the CreateHTMLReport and select report properties.
5. Click the Create button and specify the location to save the file.
The newly created html file is displayed in Internet Explorer.

Additonal Instructions:
-If no title is specified then the layer name is used.
-If a border isn't selected a normal border is used.
-If a sort field isn't selected the oID field is used.
-If a color isn't selected white is used. The selected color is
used to color every other row in the table.
-Use the Select Report Fields list box to select the fields you want in the report if no fields
are selected an empty report is generated

NOTE: This sample contains very little error handling
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