  • 注册日期2006-01-20
  • 发帖数56
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[原创]FME函数速查手册(7)-Transformer Quick-Reference(7)

更多 发布于:2006-08-19 09:35
<TABLE  cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=653 border=0 x:str>
<COL style="WIDTH: 104pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 4448" width=139>
<COL style="WIDTH: 194pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 8288" width=259>
<COL style="WIDTH: 191pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 8160" width=255>

<TR  height=75>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=75 x:str="KMLStyler "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>KMLStyler </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="The KMLStyler transformer can be used to either set the attributes of features that have a KML Style feature type, or to set the common style attributes for a group of features. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>The KMLStyler transformer can be used to either set the attributes of features that have a KML Style feature type, or to set the common style attributes for a group of features. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>设置KML Style要素类型的属性,或对一组要素设置共同的样式属性</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=30>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=30 x:str="Labeller "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Labeller </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Interpolates labels along a linear or polygonal feature. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Interpolates labels along a linear or polygonal feature. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl24  width=255><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>为线状</FONT><FONT>/</FONT><FONT face=宋体>面状要素生成标注</FONT></FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=30>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=30 x:str="LabelPointReplacer "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>LabelPointReplacer </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Replaces the geometry of the feature with a label point. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Replaces the geometry of the feature with a label point. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>改为对应的标注点</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=60>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=60 x:str="LatLongToMGRSConverter "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>LatLongToMGRSConverter </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Calculates a Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) code based on the latitude and longitude values supplied in a feature's attributes. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Calculates a Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) code based on the latitude and longitude values supplied in a feature's attributes. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>根据属性中提供的经纬度值计算MGRS(军用格网参考系统)</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=30>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=30 x:str="LengthCalculator "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>LengthCalculator </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Calculates the length of a feature and adds it as a new attribute. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Calculates the length of a feature and adds it as a new attribute. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>计算要素的长度,输出为新的属性</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=45>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=45 x:str="LineCloser "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>LineCloser </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Turns input linear features into areas by adding their start point as the end point. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Turns input linear features into areas by adding their start point as the end point. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>将输入的线状要素转换为面状,其中起点被复制为终点</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=45>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=45 x:str="LineGeneralizer "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>LineGeneralizer </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Reduces the density of feature coordinates by removing points from the original feature. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Reduces the density of feature coordinates by removing points from the original feature. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>线状要素的节点抽稀</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=60>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=60 x:str="LineJoiner "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>LineJoiner </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Takes non-intersecting lines and connects them into longer lines whenever doing so does not remove a significant node. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Takes non-intersecting lines and connects them into longer lines whenever doing so does not remove a significant node. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>将一组互不相交的线连接起来</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=15>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=15 x:str="LineOnAreaOverlayer "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>LineOnAreaOverlayer </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Performs a line-on-area overlay. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Performs a line-on-area overlay. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>线-面叠置运算</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=15>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=15 x:str="LineOnLineOverlayer "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>LineOnLineOverlayer </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Performs a line-on-line overlay. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Performs a line-on-line overlay. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>线-线叠置运算</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=45>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=45 x:str="LineSmoother "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>LineSmoother </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Smooths the feature's boundary lines by determining a new location for each vertex. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Smooths the feature's boundary lines by determining a new location for each vertex. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>线的平滑处理</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=30>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=30 x:str="ListBuilder "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>ListBuilder </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Combines attributes of feature into a single list structure. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Combines attributes of feature into a single list structure. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>根据属性,组合构造为一个列表</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=30>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=30 x:str="ListConcatenator "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>ListConcatenator </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Concatenates all the values of a list together into a single attribute. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Concatenates all the values of a list together into a single attribute. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>将列表的所有内容连接一个属性</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=45>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=45 x:str="ListCopier "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>ListCopier </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Copies a complete attribute list, including all nested attributes, from one list name to another. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>复制列表,包括其中所有的嵌套属性</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=45>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=45 x:str="ListDuplicateRemover "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>ListDuplicateRemover </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Copies the contents of one list attribute to another, removing any duplicated values. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Copies the contents of one list attribute to another, removing any duplicated values. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>将一个列表的内容复制到另一个,但删除其中的重复项</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=45>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=45 x:str="ListElementCounter "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>ListElementCounter </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Stores the number of member elements found in the specified list into an attribute. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Stores the number of member elements found in the specified list into an attribute. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>获取列表中的元素数量,写入属性</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=30>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=30 x:str="ListExploder "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>ListExploder </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Explodes each list member on each input feature out into its own feature. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Explodes each list member on each input feature out into its own feature. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>打散列表,使其中每个元素生成单独的要素</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=45>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=45 x:str="ListHistogrammer "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>ListHistogrammer </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Computes a histogram of the values found in a list, and returns these in a new list attribute on the feature. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Computes a histogram of the values found in a list, and returns these in a new list attribute on the feature. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>对列表中的值进行统计,并生成一个新的列表</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=45>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=45 x:str="ListIndexer "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>ListIndexer </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Demotes the attributes of the list element specified by the index to become main attributes of the feature. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Demotes the attributes of the list element specified by the index to become main attributes of the feature. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>提取列表中指定位置的元素成为要素的属性</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=30>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=30 x:str="ListPopulator "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>ListPopulator </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Builds a list out of a series of input attributes. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Builds a list out of a series of input attributes. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>根据一系列输入属性构建列表</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>
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