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◇《分形》(录像带)吴立杰、张韧著,清华音像出版社 ,1997年10月第1版

◇《分形论——奇异性探索》 林鸿溢、李映雪著,北京理工大学出版社,1992年9月第1版

◇《分形漫步》 [加]B.H.Kaye著,东北大学出版社,1994年12月第1汉译版




◇《The Faber Book of Science: Scientists and Writers Illuminate Natural Phenomena from Fossils to Fractals 》John Carey/Faber & Faber/February  1996

◇《Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws: Minutes from an Infinite Paradise》Manfred Schroeder/W. H. Freeman Company/September 1992

◇《The Nonlinear Workbook: Chaos, Fractals, Cellular Automata. Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy Logic with C++ and Reduce Programs》Willi-Hans Hans Steeb/Westfield State College, Institute for Massachusetts Studies/October 1999

◇《Chaos and Fractals: New Frontiers of Science》Heinz-Otto Peitgen,Hartmut Jurgens,Dietmar Saupe/Springer-Verlag New York, Incorporated/October 1992

◇《Fractals Everywhere》Michael F. Barnsley/Morgan Kaufmann Publishers/April 2000

◇《Gnomon: From Pharaoh to Fractals》Midhat J. Gazale/Princeton University Press/April 1999

◇《Fractal Cuts: Exploring the Magic of Fractals with Pop-up Designs》Diego Uribe / Tarquin Publications / March 1994

◇《Fractals and Chaos: An Illustrated Course》Paul S. Addison / Iop Pub / September 1997

◇《Fractals for the Classroom : Strategic Activities, Volume One》Heinz-otto O. Peitgen,Hartmut Jurgens,Dietmar Saupe,Terry Perciante,Evan Maletsky,Lee Yunker / Springer-Verlag New York, Incorporated / January 1991

◇《Fractals for the Classroom: Strategic Activities: Volume 3》D. Saupe,H. O. Peitgen,Heinz-Otto O. Peitgen (Editor) / Paperback / Springer-Verlag New York, Incorporated / January 1999

◇《Fractals》Joseph L. McCauley / Cambridge University Press / February 1994

◇《Fractals : A User´s Guide for the Natural Sciences》Harold M. Hartings,G. Sugihara / Oxford University Press, Incorporated / January 1994

◇《Introduction to Fractals and Chaos》Richard M. Crownover  / Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Inc. / January 1995

◇《Fractals and Chaos: An Illustrated Course》Paul S. Addison / Hardcover / Iop Pub / October 1997

◇《The Faber Book of Science: Scientists and Writers Illuminate Natural Phenomena from Fossils to Fractals》John Carey (Editor) / Faber & Faber, Inc. / February 1996

◇《Brixton Fractals》Allen Fisher

◇《Brownian Motion on Nested Fractals》Tom Lindstrom / American Mathematical Society / January 1990

◇《Chaos and Fractals : A Computer Graphical Journey : Ten Year Compilation of Advanced Research》Clifford A. Pickover / Elsevier Science / January 1998

◇《Chaos Cookbook》John Pritchard Joe Pritchard / Butterworth-Heinemann / January 1996

◇《Chaos, Dynamics, and Fractals: An Algorithmic Approach to Deterministic Chaos, Vol. 2》Joseph L. McCauley / Cambridge University Press / October 1992

◇《Chaos, Fractals, and Dynamics》P. Fisher (Editor) William R. Smith (Editor) / Marcel Dekker / May 1985

◇《Chaos, Fractals and Dynamics: Computer Experiments in Mathematics》Robert L. Devaney / Science Television Company / December 1989

◇《Chaos Fractals and Non-Linear Dynamic Systems》Richard K. Miller Terri C. Walker / Future Technology Surveys, Incorporated / March 1989

◇《Fluctuations and Fractal Structure: Ringberg Workshop on Multiparticle Production, Ringberg Castle, Germany, June 25-28, 1991》Rudolph C. Hwa N. Schmitz W. Ochs / World Scientific Publishing Company, Incorporated / January 1992

◇《Fractal Analysis User´s Guide: Introduction to Fractal Sets Using Windows 3.X》Pierre Ferland Claude Tricot Axel van de Walle / American Mathematical Society / January 1994

◇《The Fractal Company : A Revolution in Corporate Culture》Hans-Jurgen J. Warnecke Manfred Huser Maurice Claypole (Translator) / Springer-Verlag New York, Incorporated / January 1994

◇《Fractal Explorer》Linda Garcia Cory Levenberg (Illustrator) / Dynamic Press / June 1991

◇《Fractal Explorer》Etienne Guyon H. Eugene Stanley (Editor) / Elsevier Science / May 1991

◇《Fractal Frontiers》M. M. Novak (Editor) T. G. Dewey (Editor) / World Scientific Publishing Company, Incorporated / March 1997

◇《Fractals: An Animated Discussion》Dietmar Saupe Heinz-Otto Peitgen Jurnens / W. H. Freeman Company / November 1990

◇《Fractals and beyond: Complexity in the Sciences》M. M. Novak / World Scientific Publishing Company, Incorporated / October 1998

◇《Fractals for the Classroom, Vol. 2》Heinz-Otto O. Peitgen Hartmut Jurgens Dietmar Saupe / Springer-Verlag New York, Incorporated / December 1991

◇《Fractals for the Classroom》Springer-verlag New York Incorporated (Editor) / Springer-Verlag New York, Incorporated / April 1995

◇《Fractals: Form, Chance, and Dimension》Benoit B. Mandelbrot / W. H. Freeman Company / June 1977

◇《Fractals for the Classroom : Strategic Computer Experiements》Heinz-otto Peitgen / Springer-Verlag New York, Incorporated / February 1991

◇《Fractals in Natural Sciences》Tamas Vicsek Michael F. Shlesinger M. Matcuchita / World Scientific Publishing Company, Incorporated / October 1994

◇《Fractals in Science: With a MS-DOS Program Diskette》Armin Bunde Shlomo Havlin (Editor) / Springer-Verlag New York, Incorporated / May 1994

◇《Fractals in Science: With a MacIntosh Program Diskette》Armin Bunde Shlomo Havlin (Editor) / Springer-Verlag New York, Incorporated / May 1994

◇《Fractals in the Natural Sciences》M. Fleishmann D. J. Tildesley R. C. Ball / Princeton University Press / April 1990

◇《Fractals, Quasicrystals, Chaos, Knots and Algebraic Quantum Mechanics》Anton Amann (Editor) W. Gans (Editor) L. Cederbaum (Editor) / Kluwer Academic Publishers / January 1988

◇《Fractals, Scaling and Growth Far from Equilibrium》Paul Meakin / Cambridge University Press / February 1998

◇《Fractals Science》H. Eugene Stanley / Springer-Verlag New York, Incorporated / August 1994

◇《Fractals: Selected Reprints》Alan J. Hurd (Editor) / American Association of Physics Teachers / January 1989

◇《Fractus, Fracta, Fractal》Vicente Talanquer / Fondo de Cultura Economica USA

◇《Fractals: The Patterns of Chaos》Hardcover / Simon & Schuster Trade Paperbacks / November 1992

◇《Future of Fractals : Proceedings of the International Conference, Nagoya, Japan, 25-27 July 1995》World Scientific Publishing Company Incorporated (Editor) / World Scientific Publishing Company, Incorporated / December 1996

◇《Generalized Minkowski Content, Spectrum of Fractal Drums, Fractal》Strings, and the Riemann-Zeta-Function / American Mathematical Society / May 1997

◇《MM. Series on Fractals: Midgets on the Spike》Philip A. G. Davis K. W. Philip Michael Frame Adam Robucci / World Scientific Publishing Company, Incorporated / October 1991

◇《Nonlinear Dynamics and Fractals: New Numerical Techniques for Sedimentary Data》Gerard V. Middleton David M. Rubin Roy E. Plotnick / SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) / January 1995

◇《The Nonlinear Workbook: Chaos, Fractals, Cellular Automata. Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy Logic with C++ and Reduce Programs》Willi-Hans Hans Steeb / Westfield State College, Institute for Massachusetts Studies / October 1999

◇《Paradigms of Complexity: Fractals and Structures in the Sciences》Miroslav M. Novak (Editor) / World Scientific Publishing Company, Incorporated / May 2000

◇《Real-World Fractals》Keith Finlay Keith A. Blanton / Henry Holt & Company, Incorporated / September 1993

◇《Schroeder, Self Similarity: Chaos, Fractals, Power Laws》Manfred R. Schroeder / W. H. Freeman Company / April 1991

◇《Wavelets, Fractals, and Fourier Transforms》M. Farge (Editor) J. C. Hunt (Editor) J. C. Vassilicos (Editor) / Oxford University Press, Incorporated / January 1993

◇《Fractals and Dynamic Systems in Geoscience》J. H. Kruhl (Editor) Jorn H. Kruhl (Editor) Miriam Kupkova (Editor) / Birkhauser Boston / June 2000
◇《Gaussian Self-Affinity and Fractals: Globality, the Earth, 1/F Noise, R/S》Benoit B. Mandelbrot / Springer-Verlag New York, Incorporated / January 2000

◇《分形与浑沌在地球科学中的应用》陈禺页 等著,学术期刊出版社,1989年6月第1版

    *内容提要 目录 作者介绍 书评 电子版(部分)*


    *内容提要 目录 作者介绍 书评 电子版(部分)*

◇《Fractals and Chaos in Geology and Geophysics》Donald L. L. Turcotte / Cambridge University Press / June 1993

◇《Fractals and Chaos in Geology and Geophysics 2ND》Donald L. L. Turcotte/Cambridge University Press/June 1997

◇《Fractal River Basins: Chance and Self-Organization》Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe,Andrea Rinaldo / Cambridge University Press / July 1997

◇《Fractals in Soil Science》Philipe Baveye (Editor),Susan Fox (Editor),Bobby A. Stewart (Editor),Jean-Yves Parlange (Editor),Marsha Baker (Editor),Designed by Dawn Boyd / Lewis Publishers / January 1998

◇《Fractal and Chaotic Properties of Earthquakes》Christian Goltz / Springer-Verlag New York, Incorporated / January 1998

◇《Fractals in the Earth Sciences》Christopher Cramer Barton,P. R. La Pointe / Kluwer Academic Publishers / January 1995

◇《Fractals and Dynamic Systems in Geoscience》JForn H. Kruhl (Editor) / Springer-Verlag New York, Incorporated / September 1994

◇《Fractal Cities: A Geometry of Form and Function》Michael Batty Paul Longley / Harcourt / June 1994

◇《Fractal Models in the Earth Sciences》Gabor Korvin / Elsevier Science / January 1992

◇《Fractals in Geography》Nina Siu-Ngan Lam Lee De Cola (Editor) / Prentice Hall / April 1993

◇《Fractals in Geophysics》Benoit H. Scholz Benoit B. Mandelbrot / Birkhauser Boston / January 1989

◇《Fractals in Petroleum Geology and Earth Processes》Christopher Cramer Barton Paul R. LaPointe (Editor) / Kluwer Academic Publishers / January 1995

◇《Fractals in Rock Mechanics》Heping Xie / Balkem, A. A. / October 1993

◇《Fractals in Soil Science》Y. Pachepsky J. C. Crawford Walter J. Rawls / Elsevier Science / July 2000

◇《Non-Linear Variability in Geophysics: Scaling and Fractals》D. Schertzer S. Lovejoy / Kluwer Academic Publishers / January 1991

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