  • 注册日期2003-07-16
  • 发帖数15945
  • QQ554730525
  • 铜币25337枚
  • 威望15352点
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  • GIS帝国居民
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[分享]The osgGIS Project

更多 发布于:2011-08-29 12:35
<h1 id="TheosgGISProject">The osgGIS Project<a class="anchor" title="Link to="to"  this="this"  section" href=""> ?</a></h1>
<p>Welcome to <i>osgGIS</i>, a free open source toolkit for using <a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">GIS</span></a> data in <a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">OpenSceneGraph</span></a> applications.</p>
<p><i>Bug report? Question? Please visit the <a href="">osgGIS Group and Mailing List</a>.</i></p></blockquote>
<h2 id="Contents">Contents<a class="anchor" title="Link to="to"  this="this"  section" href=""> ?</a></h2>
<li><a class="wiki" href="">Downloads</a> - SVN access, build instructions, and pre-built binaries</li>
<li><a class="wiki" href="">Documentation</a> - HOW-TOs, references, and API documentation</li>
<li><a class="wiki" href="">Community</a> - Ways to participate and get support</li>
<li><a class="wiki" href="">Screenshots</a> - Pretty pictures of datasets generated using osgGIS</li>
<li><a class="wiki" href="">About</a> - Information of the project, licensing, and its authors</li></ul>
<h2 id="Introduction">Introduction<a class="anchor" title="Link to="to"  this="this"  section" href=""> ?</a></h2>
<p>osgGIS is software that enables you to visualize, query, and manipulate GIS data from within an <a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">OpenSceneGraph</span></a> application. In short, you can generate spatially accurate 3D geometry from GIS data layers while maintaining connectivity to the GIS data sources.</p>
<p>Some of the goals of this project are to make it easy to:</p>
<li>Connect to and query various GIS data sources</li>
<li>Bring vector and raster data into OSG data structures for visualization</li>
<li>Deal with map projections in OSG</li>
<li>Access GIS feature attributes</li>
<li>Display 3D GIS data atop an <a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">osgEarth</span></a> or <a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">VirtualPlanetBuilder</span></a> terrain model</li>
<li>Manage geometry for very large numbers of features</li>
<li>Automate the creation of 3D data layers from GIS data </li></ul>
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  • 注册日期2003-07-16
  • 发帖数15945
  • QQ554730525
  • 铜币25337枚
  • 威望15352点
  • 贡献值0点
  • 银元0个
  • GIS帝国居民
  • 帝国沙发管家
  • GIS帝国明星
  • GIS帝国铁杆
发布于:2011-08-29 12:37
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td id="postmessage_31" class="t_msgfont"><span class="t_tag" href="tag.php?name=OSG">OSG</span>GIS是OSG的一个分支,专注于GIS的应用。目前虽然还比较简单,但已经将很多基础的GIS理论与OSG进行的比较好的结合</td></tr></tbody></table><strong>OSGGIS的项目目的是:</strong>使在OSG中更容易的访问、显示、查询GIS矢量数据。<br/><br/><strong>OSGGIS的实现目标:</strong>是为了减少将GIS集成在OSG中所遇到的各类主要问题的复杂度。<br/>
<ul class="litype_1" type="1"><br/>
<li>在<span class="t_tag" href="tag.php?name=%B5%D8%D0%CE">地形</span><span class="t_tag" href="tag.php?name=%C4%A3%D0%CD">模型</span>上显示矢量数据<br/>
<li>管理大规模地物的<span class="t_tag" href="tag.php?name=%BC%B8%BA%CE%CC%E5">几何体</span><br/></li></ul><br/><br/><strong>OSGGIS的许可/授权:</strong>LGPL<br/><br/><strong>OSGGIS的项目开发/维护者:</strong><br/>美国Pelican Mapping公司的总裁Glenn Waldron<br/><br/><strong>OSGGIS代码:</strong><br/>可通过SVN直接获取:<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br/>或者在线浏览:<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br/><br/><span class="t_tag" href="tag.php?name=%B1%E0%D2%EB">编译</span>所需的第三方库文件:<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br/><br/><strong>OSGGIS最新可执行编译成果:</strong> VS2005 + OSG 2.2 <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br/><br/><strong>OSGGIS数据示例:</strong><br/>美国波士顿地区地形数据:<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br/>(需要使用OSGDEM生成)<br/>
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