  • 注册日期2006-01-20
  • 发帖数56
  • QQ
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[原创]FME函数速查手册(9)-Transformer Quick-Reference(9)

更多 发布于:2006-08-19 09:37
<TABLE  cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0>

<TR >
<TD  width=121>
<P  align=left>RasterSegmenter <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  vAlign=top width=331>
<P  align=left>Segments a raster (coalesces similar components) by analyzing the histograms of the components and identifying units that are homogeneous with the fuzzy c-means technique. <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=185>
<P  align=left>栅格分段<p></p></P></TD></TR>
<TR >
<TD  width=121>
<P  align=left>Recorder <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=331>
<P  align=left>Saves a copy of all the features that enter to a disk file. <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=185>
<P  align=left>记录器:将一批要素写入磁盘文件作为备份,将来可以利用播放器(Player)调回<p></p></P></TD></TR>
<TR >
<TD  width=121>
<P  align=left>ReprojectAngleCalculator <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=331>
<P  align=left>Calculates the reprojected angle of a line, which is useful for calculating reprojected text angles. <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=185>
<P  align=left>线的角度的投影变换<p></p></P></TD></TR>
<TR >
<TD  width=121>
<P  align=left>ReprojectLengthCalculator <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=331>
<P  align=left>Calculates the reprojected length of a line, which is useful for calculating reprojected text heights. <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=185>
<P  align=left>线的长度的投影变换<p></p></P></TD></TR>
<TR >
<TD  width=121>
<P  align=left>Reprojector <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=331>
<P  align=left>Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another. <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=185>
<P  align=left>坐标投影变换<p></p></P></TD></TR>
<TR >
<TD  width=121>
<P  align=left>Rotator <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=331>
<P  align=left>Rotates features in a counterclockwise direction about the specified point by the rotation angle (measured in degrees). <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=185>
<P  align=left>二维旋转,须指定轴点、角度(逆时针方向)<p></p></P></TD></TR>
<TR >
<TD  width=121>
<P  align=left>RubberSheeter <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=331>
<P  align=left>Performs warping operations on the spatial coordinates of features. <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=185>
<P  align=left>坐标纠正<p></p></P></TD></TR>
<TR >
<TD  width=121>
<P  align=left>Sampler <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=331>
<P  align=left>Discards input features, preserving only every <sample rate>th feature. <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=185>
<P  align=left>要素抽样:舍弃抽样率之外的所有要素<p></p></P></TD></TR>
<TR >
<TD  width=121>
<P  align=left>Scaler <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=331>
<P  align=left>Scales the coordinates of the feature by some multipliers. <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=185>
<P  align=left>坐标按比例缩放<p></p></P></TD></TR>
<TR >
<TD  width=121>
<P  align=left>SchemaMapper <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=331>
<P  align=left>The SchemaMapper is used to map the schema (attributes and feature types) of features based on a schema mapping table. <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=185>
<P  align=left>根据数据模式对照表改变属性和要素类型<p></p></P></TD></TR>
<TR >
<TD  width=121>
<P  align=left>SectorGenerator <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=331>
<P  align=left>Point features are input with the following data contained in the chosen attributes: site name, sector name (optional), azimuth, and radius. <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=185>
<P  align=left>构建Voronoi区片<p></p></P></TD></TR>
<TR >
<TD  width=121>
<P  align=left>SelfIntersector <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=331>
<P  align=left>Checks each feature and removes self-intersections. <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=185>
<P  align=left>检查并消除自相交<p></p></P></TD></TR>
<TR >
<TD  width=121>
<P  align=left>Snapper <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=331>
<P  align=left>Snaps end points of lines together if they are within the <tolerance> distance of each other. <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=185>
<P  align=left>将限差范围内的线的端点捕捉到一起<p></p></P></TD></TR>
<TR >
<TD  width=121>
<P  align=left>Sorter <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=331>
<P  align=left>Sorts features by an attribute’s value. <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=185>
<P  align=left>根据属性值排序<p></p></P></TD></TR>
<TR >
<TD  width=121>
<P  align=left>SpatialFilter <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=331>
<P  align=left>Filters features based on spatial relationships. <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=185>
<P  align=left>根据空间关系进行过滤<p></p></P></TD></TR>
<TR >
<TD  width=121>
<P  align=left>SpatialRelator <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=331>
<P  align=left>Determines topological (spatial) relationships between sets of features <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=185>
<P  align=left>确定要素之间的拓扑(空间)关系<p></p></P></TD></TR>
<TR >
<TD  width=121>
<P  align=left>SQLExecutor <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=331>
<P  align=left>Executes an arbitrary SQL statement against a database. <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=185>
<P  align=left>执行任意的SQL<p></p></P></TD></TR>
<TR >
<TD  width=121>
<P  align=left>StatisticsCalculator <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=331>
<P  align=left>Calculates statistics based on a designated attribute of the incoming features. <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=185>
<P  align=left>对输入要素的属性进行统计<p></p></P></TD></TR>
<TR >
<TD  width=121>
<P  align=left>StringFormatter <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=331>
<P  align=left>Reformats the given source attribute according to the Tcl format command. Strings, characters, and numbers in decimal, octal, and hexidecimal format can be formatted. <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=185>
<P  align=left>根据Tcl格式命令对输入的属性重新格式化,包括字符串、字符、十进制/八进制/十六进制数字等<p></p></P></TD></TR>
<TR >
<TD  width=121>
<P  align=left>StringLengthCalculator <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=331>
<P  align=left>Calculates the length of the string in Source Attribute. The value is put into the String Length Attribute. <p></p></P></TD>
<TD  width=185>
<P  align=left>计算属性值字符串的长度,并写入属性<p></p></P></TD></TR></TABLE></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-19 9:38:28编辑过]
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