  • 注册日期2003-07-16
  • 发帖数15945
  • QQ554730525
  • 铜币25337枚
  • 威望15352点
  • 贡献值0点
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  • GIS帝国居民
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Bug: Duplication of HTML code on client

更多 发布于:2003-08-23 14:46
Sections of the HTML code may be repeated or incomplete when using MapObjects IMS (MOIMS) to serve HTML web pages to clients. As a result, certain sections or elements of the web page appear duplicated or incomplete when viewed in a browser.

There is a limit to the number of times the MOIMS Weblink.WriteString method can be called when creating an HTML document for the client. This limit is system-dependent. The duplicate HTML code results when this limit is exceeded.

Solution or Workaround
Do not use WriteString to create the HTML document on the client. Do the following instead:

1. Use the file editing functions available in your programming environment to write the lines of HTML into a new text file with a .html extension.

2. Use the MOIMS WebLink.WriteFile method to send the .html file to the client. For example:

Dim bWorked as Boolean
bWorked = WebLink1.WriteFile "C:\temp\topframe.html"

3. Use the file management functions available in your programming environment to delete the .html file. It is OK to delete the .html file immediately after using the WriteFile method.
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