  • 注册日期2003-07-16
  • 发帖数15947
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探究 Drone2Map

更多 发布于:2016-03-21 15:00
自 ArcGIS 10.4 发布以来,很多用户都来询问 Drone2Map 这一全新的应用。下面,我们就来一起认识一下这个备受瞩目的新产品。

“无人机的出现促使相关技术为许多工业领域带来革命性的颠覆。我们为 ArcGIS 开发 Drone2Map,就是希望人们能够处理、使用和分享影像信息,而这一切功能都被一体化地集成在 ArcGIS 平台上。”
——  Esri 总裁  Jack Dangermond

什么是 Drone2Map?

它是 Esri 推出的一款支持多线程的 64 位桌面端的 APP,以 ArcGIS 平台为支撑,并有效集成了 Pix4D 的算法。查看帮助文档可知,它的主要功能是将无人机航拍的原始图像转换成 2D 或 3D 的正射影像产品。也就是把无人机拍摄获得的影像和传感器数据,转化为 GIS 系统能够录入的数据形式,比如正射镶嵌图、表面数字模型、3D 点云及网格数据等。

有了无人机,我们可以轻松获取二三维地图要素和那些因范围大地势险人力原本很难到达或难以完全覆盖的区域信息,实现对环境变化、自然灾害影响、预定事件等的监测。这款应用恰恰能够检测无人机获取的影像和传感器数据,然后智能匹配对应的预设值,完成对无人机带回影像数据的格式转换。同时 Drone2Map 也能够用于影像的快速处理。这一应用的推出大大节省了航空影像收集、处理和使用的成本。


What is Drone2Map for ArcGIS

Drone2Map for ArcGIS is a desktop app that turns raw still imagery from drones into stunning information products in ArcGIS. Now, with drone hardware becoming more accessible, you can create 2D and 3D maps of features and areas that may be hard to access or fully cover because of size or terrain. Monitor environmental changes, the impact of natural disasters, scheduled events, and more.  Together with many other capabilities in ArcGIS, Drone2Map helps you unlock the insights hidden in your imagery. As drones continue to revolutionize how we work today, Esri can help your organization gain the benefits of this emerging technology. Achieve massive cost reduction in aerial imaging collection, processing, and use.
  • Gain speed in an order of magnitude. Create information products that inform decisions in minutes, not days.
  • No more being dependent on third parties for mission critical data gathering.
  • Reduce the need for expensive aerial image processing services.
  • Drone2Map for ArcGIS enables a quick check, making sure that the person flying the drone gets it right the first time without needing to go back again.
  • Drone2Map for ArcGIS detects your drone's camera and sensor parameters and intelligently applies the right defaults, enabling rapid processing.
  • No more working with a mix of image capturing, processing, analysis and sharing applications. ArcGIS supports the entire workflow in partnership with Pix4D.
  • No more spending hours figuring out just the right settings and tweaks. Automatic defaults help you build stunning information products in a snap.



第一步,戳开 Drone2Map 产品页>>>

第二步,点击页面上的“Join the Beta”按钮,申请 Beta 版试用。


体验 Drone2Map,就是这么 easy!

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  • 注册日期2003-07-16
  • 发帖数15947
  • QQ554730525
  • 铜币25339枚
  • 威望15364点
  • 贡献值0点
  • 银元0个
  • GIS帝国居民
  • 帝国沙发管家
  • GIS帝国明星
  • GIS帝国铁杆
发布于:2016-03-21 15:01
Thank you for your interest in the beta program for Drone2Map for ArcGIS. We appreciate your willingness to help test our product and provide feedback. At the initial opening of the program, some user account types were unable to access this beta. Participating in the beta program requires an ArcGIS Online organizational subscription with a named user account that meets the following criteria:

A complete profile (First and Last name filled out)
Esri Access enabled, and
Linked to an ArcGIS Online organizational subscription (Trials and Evals are eligible)
If you believe you meet the above criteria and are still having trouble signing up or accessing the Beta, please visit and click on Forgot Username. You will receive an email from with your Account Username, Account Type (Public or Organization), Account Administrator Contact (if applicable), and Esri Access status (enabled or disabled). If Esri access is disabled, please contact your organization’s Administrator.

If you do not have a named user account, you may sign up for a trial here.

Use the named user login information to sign up for Drone2Map for ArcGIS Beta program.

The ArcGIS Team
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  • 注册日期2016-05-27
  • 发帖数90
  • QQ
  • 铜币79枚
  • 威望4点
  • 贡献值0点
  • 银元0个
  • GIS帝国居民
发布于:2016-12-06 12:48
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