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[在arc/info中的ODE开发问题 ]

更多 发布于:2006-06-07 22:58
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  • 注册日期2003-07-16
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发布于:2006-06-09 15:06
<P>Good morning Arc User's. ;~) <BR><BR>Many thanks to the following Arcies for their input into my question of <BR>the ArcInfo battle between NT ; UNIX: <BR>Paul Hastings, Dirk Oesterreich, N Jackson, Richard Krell, Matthew <BR>Syrett, Vasilis Yannakopoulos, Denise Bleakly, John Dickinson, Michael <BR>Morin, Marc Berryman, Michael Braun, Jack O'Neill. <BR><BR>The following is a list of educated points of view that I've received on <BR>the issue. there are many strong pros and cons on both sides. <BR>-running over the NT network usually results in a crash (have to run <BR>everything locally) <BR>-arcedit sometimes crashes when editing complex regions <BR>-arcedit sometimes crashes inexplicably, leaving coverages that are <BR>corrupt, but <BR>salvageable <BR>-MSDos window is a terrible substitute for a unix shell - look into the <BR>MKS toolkit. <BR>-Windows explorer can cause trouble when making changes to your current <BR>workspace. <BR>-arc/info NT is notorious for fragmenting your drives, thanks to NT's <BR>inadequacy <BR>(apparently it cannot move directories once they're created) <BR><BR>- the NT side is at least much more eye-pleasing and easier for a <BR>non-educated end-user to grasp. <BR>- The cost of Unix hardware is currently much higher than that of NT. <BR>But, SUN is bound to come down in cost as a response to the growth of NT <BR>over parts of the UNIX market. <BR>- The maintenance cost of NT is apparently much higher than UNIX. But, <BR>costs less to start up. <BR>- If a shop is already established as a UNIX shop then the benefits of <BR>change over are minimal, unless you've got major plans for future <BR>development that can't be easily done on UNIX. <BR>- Real Techies love making the Keyboard burn ;-) <BR>- File sharing in Unix is reportedly better than NT. <BR>- NT can support multiple apps. But watch out for ArcView/ArcNT <BR>interaction, it may not be all that it's cracked up to be. <BR>- NT does have advantages. ODE is very useful for end-user development. <BR>And considering the applicable languages for development, it could <BR>generate jobs among non-GIS computer developers, though I'd rather keep <BR>GIS to the Geographer's personally. <BR>- Unix to Arcview is cool. What about Arcview(NT) to Unix? <BR>- The nasty RUMOR that NT is the only development platform for the <BR>future of AI starting with 8.0 has misled many users into thinking that <BR>NT is the way to go. Did Microsoft start that one? Development will <BR>continue on both platforms (unofficial ESRI source). <BR>- the NT hardware required for the development of ARC is extensive. As <BR>fast as you can get with today's technology is the only way. And then it <BR>will still crash occasionally. I would think that the 'crash' bugs will <BR>be worked out soon (if ESRI wants to keep the market). <BR>COMPARISONS: <BR>- Initial cost - NT wins <BR>- Cost of maintenance - UNIX wins <BR>- Dependability - UNIX wins hands down (obviously it is a more <BR>established/tested platform) <BR>- Security - UNIX wins again. NT is a risk(until the bugs get worked <BR>out). <BR>- Help Desk Support - NT loses (drivers,printers,fonts, networks, <BR>database server connections, print services, and many other <BR>problems) <BR><BR>- Consider the possibility that it's all NT HYPE. What does Microsoft <BR>have to gain? Obviously, there is a market for development of AI on the <BR>NT, but does that mean that all the UNIX users are S-O-L with their <BR>hardware and such. I think not. The loss of development and potential <BR>damage to existing resources would cause a virtual catastophy for so <BR>many users that ESRI would look criminal. Common sense folks. <BR><BR>- Maybe one day when the NT platform is PERFECT we'll need to <BR>worry(about the change-over). As for now, the NT development gives those <BR>psuedo-GISer's from other occupations something to do. <BR><BR>- It is smart to consider NT if it suits your uses, but research it <BR>thoroughly first. You may be in for a surprise. <BR>************************************************************************************************ <BR>***The opinions expressed in this mail are the express opinions of the <BR>author based on his research into the ESRI-List and other sources. <BR>These are not necessarily the views of the City of Dallas or anyone else <BR>affiliated with it. <BR>************************************************************************************************ <BR><BR>Best Regards, <BR><BR>Steven Earnest <BR>GIS Analyst <BR>City of Dallas - Storm Water Quality <BR>searnest@ci.dallas.tx.us <BR></P>
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  • 注册日期2006-04-18
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发布于:2006-06-10 19:11
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